The worst episode of the season, the best episode of the season, and The Crazies in Space. This, and more in this week’s episode of the To Baldly Go Podcast.
I am joined again this week by my wife, Abbie, and our friend, Nate, as we discuss:
Star Trek: The Original Series episodes: The Alternative Factor, The City on the Edge of Forever, and Operation – Annihilate!
We hit the whole spectrum of episodes this week
An interesting topic with terrible execution
Discussing earlier dumb episodes
Tim the Enchanter
The “high water mark” for Star Trek
Pacifism at the right time
Sacrifice for the greater good
Gene Roddenberry’s vision for the future
Spock’s primitive understanding of science
A similar episode today would be a jump back to 1986
Back to the Future, the 1993 edition with Metallica
Foreshadowing that we all missed
Are difficult decisions easier when we don’t know the affected people?
How was The City on the Edge of Forever received in the ‘60s?
Did ChatGPT get this one wrong?
What differences would we have seen if Edith Keeler hadn’t died?
First Contact discussion
I talk about the wrong episode
Another episode that is better than its title might indicate
All of the elements of a good episode
Kirk will not accept a no-win scenario
McCoy doesn’t have the disposition for command
Kirk with a Kodos’ decision to make
McCoy struggles with Spock’s idea of triage
Fake Kirk’s shitty moustache
Boogers? Or poorly cooked eggs?
Lessons of the Horta did not transfer
Plot holes from script changes?
Kirk’s nephew is nowhere to be seen
Levity at the end didn’t match the tone of the episode
We have reached the end of Season 1
“10”-rated seasons of other shows
The experiment has been a success
While the show has more depth than just spaceships and aliens, there are still spaceships and aliens