Welcome to episode 6 of the To Baldly Go Podcast, in which I continue my journey to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To Baldly Go where many have gone before…
Starting with Star Trek: The Original Series, I am trying to figure out why people love this franchise as much as they do, and maybe I will eventually come to enjoy it myself.
As we have been rating episodes, we are trying to move beyond “just give it a number!” and have some definition of what the numbers mean. We have adopted IGN.com’s updated rating system of 1-10, with no fractional numbers:
10 – Masterpiece
9 – Amazing
8 – Great
7 – Good
6 – OK
5 – Mediocre
4 – Bad
3 – Awful
2 – Painful
1 – Unbearable
In this week’s episode, I am joined by Abbie and Nate, as we discuss:
Star Trek: The Original Series episodes – The Corbomite Maneuver and The Menagerie, Parts 1 and 2
Another updated rating system
Attack of the Giant Rubik’s Cube, ahead of their time
Abbie tries to avoid giving a rating
It’s not chess, it’s poker. IT’S NOT LUPUS!!!
The whole crew was involved
A bottle episode, but it worked…except the ending
Kids who sound like adults are weird
It was all just a test
Our first “fascinating”
Different uniform colors
The series is still figuring out what it’s doing
There is nothing unknown, only temporarily not understood
The Enterprise is the woman for Kirk
Combat coffee
Kirk’s temper
Following Kirk off of the turbolift
Kirk didn’t want an explanation
Mr. Bailey is having a bad day
Sulu is calm under pressure
Nate hates dietary salad
James Doohan (Scotty) served at D-Day
Balock did not become Luke Skywalker
Abbie makes up a new word
I talk myself into a lower rating for The Menagerie
I missed why Pike was in his current state
Weak endings take down otherwise strong episodes
The “All is Lost” moment – shout out to Steven Pressfield
Watching people watching TV
Worldbuilding elements – Starfleet, Starbases
I convince Nate to raise his score
Episodes to look forward to