The Purge. A centuries-old war criminal. And the strangest way to fight an epic war. All this and more in this week’s episode of the To Baldly Go Podcast.
I am joined this week by my wife Abbie and our friend Nate as we discuss:
Star Trek: The Original Series episodes: The Return of the Archons, Space Seed, and A Taste of Armageddon
First occurrence of the Prime Directive
Another convoluted message in an episode?
More skepticism from the show toward AI or sentient technology
Creativity is a requirement for life
The Purge!
Uniformity vs individuality and individual expression
3 types of Star Trek episodes
Nate was really bugged by the episode
Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas
Shatner pranks
A top-2 or -3 episode
Star Trek’s hopeful outlook for the future, but in the short-term the outlook was bleak
Can we acknowledge the accomplishments of the losing side of wars?
Chekov and Khan connections (who is Chekov?)
Inconsistent Stardates
What good is served by a government always telling the truth?
Exile versus what? What options did they have with Khan?
I again win Star Trek – or at least claim so
Even though I understand it, the title “Space Seed” is really dumb
How does a society experience war? And what is the incentive for a society to stop a war?
Similarities to The Village and The Lottery
Was this a violation of the Prime Directive?
Scotty’s real life war stories
Why did Kirk get involved? What is Kirk’s mandate?
We all agree…sort of? Or not?
Prime Directive was not violated?
Nate and Abbie discuss my potential ratings with future series
My MST3K reference falls flat
Until next time…never give up…never surrender!