Welcome to Episode 5 of the To Baldly Go Podcast, in which I continue my quest to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To Baldly Go where many have gone before…
I have started with Star Trek: The Original Series to understand why people love this franchise so much. Maybe, I’ll even come to enjoy it, myself.
In this week’s episode, I am again joined by Abbie and Nate, as we discuss:
Star Trek: The Original Series episodes – Miri and Dagger of the Mind
How do we rate these episodes?
I make a Star Trek reference that is completely missed, so I just sound like a jerk
Spock is not a flat-earther
Ineptness of the Enterprise security crew
Dr. McCoy doesn’t try to save anyone who is not part of the crew
Suspension of disbelief – Story consistency!
Creepy Kirk
Nate tries taking my job
Bones is going to science the shit out of this!
Bones’ sacrifice
The sad story of Yeoman Rand
Spock’s future growth and understanding
Spock is a bad Vulcan
Nate explains the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 phasers
40 looks very different today
Abbie and Nate agree on the second episode, and both disagree with me
Conflict between Bones and Kirk, and pulling rank
Failed experiments, mysteries, and stupidity
The agony of emptiness
The fragility of the human mind and the power of human contact
What makes us who we are?
DS9 connections
Hypnosis and Vulcans – Don’t try this at home!
Depressing endings – moving on
Episode formulas
I declare that I like Star Trek more than the Trekkies
Examining why our ratings are so disparate
Some personal attacks on my ability to find things in the fridge
More rating discussion
Ahead – Warp Factor 1!