I went about a month last year, posting something new to the blog every day.
I had these visions of emulating Seth Godin, with years and years of daily posts.
And then I missed a day. Then two. And here I am, in the middle of September 2019 with only a handful of posts on the year.
At the beginning of September, inspired by James Clear, I made a habit tracker in my journal. I picked 10 habits that I wanted to work on throughout the month. One of those habits was “Write toward blog post.”
My goal for this month was to foster the habit of opening the blog and writing something. This has forced me to be deliberate in my thinking and my action. I have had to open the Squarespace app, open a new (or working) blog post, and think of something I might share with the world.
But at some point, I need to move beyond simply saving another draft. I need to post, to put my work out for the world to see.
I have also drawn inspiration from Scott Adams and his book How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.
In that book he espouses the view that the important thing to pursue is systems (i.e. habits), not goals.
For now, it is not important for me to have a word- or page-count goal, but instead to foster the habit of daily writing. 13 out of 24 days in September so far is obviously not great, but it’s a step in the right direction.
I’m pretty sure that writing toward the blog each day is going to roll into next month’s habit tracker.