Sometimes Resistance wins

What do you do on the days you are just not feeling it?  The days that Resistance wins?  It’s going to happen from time to time.

Yesterday, I opened the computer and had nothing.  I had a few minutes and couldn’t think of anything.  I did a quick glance through a few books for some highlighted quotes, trying to find something, anything to post.

I had to stop and think for a moment – “Why am I doing this?  Why am I writing anything?”

Why did I want to post yesterday?

I wanted to post because I should post something every day.  But why?  Because Seth Godin does?  But yesterday, I had nothing to say.  Or, I had not allowed myself time to let it come to the surface.  I allowed myself a few moments, and that was it.  How can I expect to have something to say if I don’t take the time?

So, I made a deliberate decision – close the website and just don’t post anything, for that day.

I had been writing a bit throughout the day in my journal, writing down some thoughts and things I have been working through, but I just didn’t give myself the time to get into the right headspace to write something that might contribute to anyone else reading this blog.

Basically, I felt that it would be better to post nothing for a day than to make a shitty post just for the sake of posting something.  Some days I have simply posted quotes that I like.  And some days that’s what I feel is the message I want to contribute that day.  Yesterday, for whatever reason, that felt like a cop-out, so I chose to not post anything.

I think the key is why we are doing something.  My hope is that my writing will connect with somebody out there, or even better, connect with a lot of people.  But that means that I have a responsibility to you to put in my best effort.  If, for whatever reason, I am unable to do that for a day, I would rather post nothing than post something when my heart and mind weren’t completely in it.

There is nothing stopping me from getting back at it today.

I'd like to take a moment to thank you if you are taking the time to read anything that I have written.  If it does connect with you in some way, please share it with a friend, leave a comment, or send me an email.  I'd love to hear from you