It's too late...

A lie we tell ourselves that keeps us trapped.  It's too late to change course.  It's too late to do anything different.

I once heard somebody say, "You can be anything you want in seven years."  Yes, there are exceptions - no matter how much I could possibly want it, I could never be on an NFL roster.  But the point is, that if I wanted to be a chiropractor or a psychologist, I could do that, assuming I am willing to put in the time and the work.  It doesn't matter that I'm 33 years old.

Paul Newman didn't begin his auto racing career until the age where most drivers are considering retirement, if they haven't retired already.  He was 47.

He went on to win 4 national championships.

Stephen Pressfield wrote in The War of Art:

Never forget: This very moment, we can change our lives.  There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny...This second, we can sit down and do our work

It won't necessarily be easy.  It won't necessarily be instantaneous.  But, right now, you can change your course.  Right now, you can choose to do the work to change your life.  It is never too late.

If you want it...