
I sold my first piece of furniture yesterday.  It was a bittersweet moment.

Not only was this the first piece I had ever sold, but it was the first piece I had ever made.  I sold my poker table.

Part of me was sad, because of the nostalgia with the table.  I mean, I built it over seven years ago, and have had many great games played at it.  Kind of like moving the TV from the basement to the living room upstairs was an acknowledgement that the basement was just no longer going to be used as my man-cave, selling the poker table was an acknowledgement that our former, every-Thursday-night poker game is a thing of the past.  It had been taken apart and stored for quite a long time, and I honestly do not even know the last time it was used.  That's the bitter part. 

But it was sweet, too.  Something I had built, with all sorts of flaws that only I would notice, had caught somebody's eye enough that they wanted to give me money for it.  When I factor in the price of materials to make a new poker table (which I will at some point in the future), I have already come out ahead.  When I think about the experience I had building the table, the lessons I learned, and the things I will do differently next time, I have come out way ahead.  And on top of that, I had seven years of use on that table.

It also provides me with an opportunity to build a new, better table, which I would never do if I still had that table stored

Poker Table.jpg